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Students anticipate WCW pay-per-view

As World Championship Wrestling gears up for Bash at the Beach, its July 11 pay-per-view extravaganza, student leaders expressed hope that Hollywood "Hulk" Hogan would leave the nWo Wolfpac and switch to being a good guy once again.

Hogan abandoned his yellow and red Hulkamania days three years ago during Bash at the Beach when he helped form the New World Order along with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.

John Finley, Student Council Chief Financial Officer, said he is eagerly anticipating next week's show.

"Unbelievable. I'm clearing my calendar," Finley said. "I'm skipping Kaplan LSAT review that day."

He said he "absolutely" hopes Hogan once again joins the forces of good.

"My life has been incomplete since 'Chips' went off TV and Hogan turned bad," he added.

Finley said Council has already begun to address the professional wrestling issue.

"We're cutting several [current] Council committees to make room for the Wrestling Education Committee, co-sponsored by Wes Kaupinen and the Inter-Fraternity Council," he said.

Jamey Thompson, Council vice president for organizations, described himself as an avid follower of WCW and also said he hopes Hogan turns good.

"I think there's good in everybody and I have faith that it's only a matter of time before he sees the light and he goes back to the yellow and red days of old," Thompson said.

University Judiciary Committee Rep. Jonathan Carr said Hogan, who is contemplating running for president, will turn good for political reasons.

"This is a calculated move by the Hulkster," Carr said. "The Hulkster is shaping the political process by remaking his image for the voters, like Hillary Clinton becoming a Yankees fan.

"Look, we always knew the Hulkster was a good guy," he said, referring to his 1980s epic battles with the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff.

He added that he is a bigger fan of the World Wrestling Federation than of WCW.

"I consider myself part of the millions of The Rock's trailer park trash fans," Carr said. "I'm very disappointed at his loss to the Undertaker."

But People's Caddie Tee McKnight, who said he is a member of the nWo Wolfpac, said Hogan must turn good to help WCW in its ratings war with the WWF.

"If he doesn't turn good, then WCW sucks," McKnight said.

Hogan could not be reached for comment.

The main event during Bash at the Beach is scheduled to be a tag-team match with Big Sexy Kevin Nash and Sting squaring off against Sid Vicious and Macho Man Randy Savage.

"There's no question, it's Kevin Nash and Sting" that will win, Thompson said.

Also on the card is a WCW U.S. Title match between Rick Steiner and former hippie/jobber Van Hammer.

"I'm picking Van Hammer. He may not win, but he'll put up a good fight," McKnight said. "They're going to make a big deal that he got rid of all that '60s crap."

Other matches include a four-man tag match pitting Curt Hennig, Bobby Duncam Jr., Barry Windham and Kendall Windham against Rey Mysterio Jr., Konnan, Swoll and BA.

Also, a World Tag Team Title match of Diamond Dallas Page, Bam Bam Bigelow and Kanyon vs. Chris Benoit and Saturn will take place.

In other professional wrestling news, Finley said the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society has invited several top wrestlers to speak at the University, although it is too early to confirm any names.


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