Exams test sanity
Any undergraduates in the College who anticipate suffering from exam overload might qualify to change the time and day of an exam, but the deadline to make the switch is Dec. 6.
Students who qualify for the time and day changes should drop by Garrett Hall and pick up a form, which their instructors must sign.
"Students can get their exams moved with the instructor's approval," Garrett Hall receptionist Sharon French said. "The instructor and student must agree to a new date and time."
Students may reschedule an exam only for a day and time after the originally scheduled date.
After obtaining their instructors' signatures, students need to bring the form back to Garrett Hall for a dean's approval.
The College allows undergraduates to change the day and time of one exam if they have three exams during two consecutive days. Undergraduates also may change the time and day of one exam if they have two exams at the same time on the same day.
Undergraduates also may move the times and days of two exams if they have four or five exams on two consecutive days, without the Sunday intervening.