The Cavalier Daily
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Board discusses offering Casteen formal contract

Although the Board of Visitors discussed a motion last weekend that would have created a five-year contract for University President John T. Casteen III, Board members said yesterday that they decided to withhold a vote on the issue because it is a long-standing University tradition for the president to operate without a contract.

Board members also reiterated their support for Casteen and his continued leadership at the University.

"Should there have been such a motion [proposed], not taking a positive step does not mean there is a negative sentiment," a Board member said.

"His continued presence shows that the vast majority of the Board wants him," the Board member said.

University Historian Raymond Bice said since the office of the president was created in 1904, the Board never has granted any of its seven presidents a contract.

The president is elected by the Board and "has always served at the pleasure of the Board," Bice said.

This means that instead of working under contract, the president is evaluated by the Board on a yearly basis and a salary is set, usually according to state guidelines.

In November, for example, the Board made its annual evaluation and granted Casteen a 6.25 percent salary increase.

Casteen, who has been University President for 10 years, said the proposal to create a contract for him did not originate from his office.

"I made no proposal to the Board and was not present at whatever discussion may have occurred at the meeting," he said.

Casteen "in general enjoys broad-based support from the Board, but that is not to say that [the Board] doesn't give him constructive criticism - that is part of our job," a Board member said.

The Board member also said the Board ended discussion on the issue because it does not want to break the tradition of having the president serve at the discretion of the Board and because some members expressed concern about granting Casteen a contractual commitment that would extend beyond some Board members' terms of service.

In discussing this matter the Board is simply fulfilling its duty to look into faculty and administration retention issues, the Board member said.

"This is not the first time [a contract for Casteen] has been brought up, and it could very well be discussed again," the Board member said.

"We are dealing with one of the top administrators in the business," and Casteen is well respected at other institutions, the Board member added.

University Spokeswoman Louise Dudley said Casteen's name is "often put in the pot" and considered at other universities seeking a new president.

Board members have considered granting Casteen a contract in the past, some Board members said.

Several Board members declined to comment.

University Rector John P. Ackerly III could not be reached for comment.


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