The Cavalier Daily
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Honor selects Hall to serve as next chairman

The Honor Committee elected second-year College student Thomas Hall as its next chairman during a weekend retreat at Graves Mountain Lodge located in Syria, Va.

Hall is a history major and Jefferson and Echols Scholar from Shawnee Mission, Kans.

"I'm excited," Hall said. "There will be a cohesive Committee as a whole this year and an Executive Committee that will really work well together."

He said he sees the Committee working with the new Honor System Review Commission as an important issue during this term. The Review Commission is a 10-member committee consisting of six current and previous Honor Committee members along with Board of Visitors members, administrators and alumni. It was formed last month to review the honor system and reccomend possible changes.

Hall said the Committee will "work with the Review Commission and make sure that any changes to the system are made within the structure of student self-governance."

Traditionally, the Committee chairman resides in West Lawn Room 37, but because Hall is not a 2001 degree candidate, he will not be occupying the room.

Hall said it has not yet been decided who will receive the room.

The Committee also elected the other four members of the Executive Committee at its retreat.

Third-year Commerce student Kennon Poteat will be the next vice chairman for trials. Third-year College student Ginny Rothschild will serve as vice chairwoman for investigations. Vice Chairman for Education-elect Luke Mitchell, a fourth-year Engineering student, and Vice Chairman for Services-elect Scott Sottile, a third-year Architecture student, round out the new Executive Committee.

Rothschild said she plans to increase communications with honor advisors by having advisors e-mail her at every major step of each case

To strengthen the role of the honor system in the community, Mitchell said one of his major goals is increasing the diversity of students involved in the honor system.

"We are working toward pulling students from the Black Student Alliance or the Engineering School into educator and advisor positions in order to increase diversity," he said.

Sottile plans to ascertain what "other privileges honor gives to students" as denoted by its bylaws. He said he also plans on increasing communication between the Committee and the Faculty Awareness Committee and the Diversity Awareness Committee.

Poteat said he plans to strengthen honor trials by ensuring that the pre-trial process is conducted in a timely manner.


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