The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Spanish House scuffle yields two warrants

The Charlottesville magistrate issued two warrants earlier this week after a University graduate accused two students of assault and battery.

The alleged victim said two students attacked him during a party held at the Spanish House, La Casa Bolivar, at 1406 Jefferson Park Avenue Friday, resulting in a loose tooth, a fractured nose and a concussion. The alleged victim also said he spent Friday night in the University Hospital.

The alleged victim said he had gone outside and was attacked when he tried to reenter the house. He said he recognized a man inside the door as someone he had a dispute with at a fraternity two weeks earlier and asked if he was the same person.

"The next thing I know he just pushes me and his friend who was at the entrance ... pushes me," the alleged victim said. The man he said he encountered at the fraternity allegedly punched him. The alleged victim said he was on the ground and the alleged attackers were "kicking me a lot in my face as if I were a football to be kicked around."

But one of the alleged attackers said he did not provoke the incident. "We weren't allowed to let anyone else in the house and [the alleged victim] recognized a guy in the house he had a grudge on and jumped into the house and grabbed him by the throat," the alleged attacker said.

The person whom the alleged victim grabbed by the throat punched the alleged victim and told him to leave, said the alleged attacker. "I tried to close the door and since I wouldn't let him through, he grabbed me ... We were only trying to defend ourselves," the alleged attacker said.

The alleged attacker said he and the other alleged attacker never kicked the alleged victim in the face while he was on the floor.

The alleged victim said he already had been at the Spanish House for two hours and had not been trying to force his way into the house, nor did he attack either person first.

A witness, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the alleged victim already had been in the house and that one of the alleged attackers had stamped the alleged victim's hand on the way in, and therefore knew he had been at the party.

The alleged victim said he was prevented from calling the police after the attack and he "was lucky that the cops came right then because there was a noise complaint."

The alleged victim said he went to the Magistrate's office after the incident Saturday and had warrants issued for assault and battery.

Sgt. Tom Durrer of the University Police said "warrants have been obtained."

The Cavalier Daily will not release the names of the alleged attackers until warrants have been served.


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