The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Three years later, the joke's on Curry

Oh, how we love to rip Ronald Curry. He's our whipping boy, and when anything dares run amiss in our perfect little college lives, there's always ol' Benedict Curry to blame.

C-minus on a midterm? Curry's fault. Girlfriend break up with you? She's been running around with Ron. Keg gone dry? Curry stole all the booze.

Ron Curry bashing is far more than a once-a-year tradition. It's more than a frivolous game enjoyed by Cavalier fans who can't seem to laugh off the Tar Heel turncoat's decision to spurn Virginia in favor of (gasp) North Carolina. Around these parts, it's simply a way of life.

But why?

Curry jilted Mr. Jefferson's house for an athletics department that places women's soccer on a pedestal miles above football. Women's soccer!

He snubbed Virginia for a program so mired in mediocrity that an all-expenses paid trip to the Sun Bowl would qualify as a rousing success.

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