Under the big top
"Beer and Circus" may sound like the perfect name for a Rugby Road invite party. But it is the provocative title of Murray Sperber's new chronicle of big-time university sports, alcohol and their impact on undergraduate education. He argues that this shift away from an academic focus is undermining traditional collegiate ideology.
At 7:30 p.m. tonight, the author and Indiana University English professor will address these topics as he discusses his latest book in Jefferson Hall.
Last fall, history professor Tico Braun approached second-year College student Thomas Deal, a member of the Echols Council, about the possibility of sponsoring a lecture by Sperber at the University.
Deal hopes the talk, followed by a question and answer period, will "encourage a dialogue on the issues raised in [Sperber's] book."
Sperber agreed and says he is very interested in people's reactions to the book.
"I'm not going to talk that long," he said, adding that he will leave plenty of time for questions. "Hopefully it will provoke students - and other people - to argue with me."
The event is jointly sponsored by the Echols Council, Brown College, the Arts & Sciences Council, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society and the Faculty Senate Speakers Bureau.
Sperber will take part in a panel discussion at the University Bookstore as part of the Virginia Festival of the Book Friday morning at 10 a.m..
Odds by Catherine Dunn