The Cavalier Daily
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Odds and Ends

Free kisses

With exams just around the corner, the Peer Health Educator Program is urging students to take a break to remember the important things in life.

"This is a day that we've organized, that we've designated as a day to celebrate yourself," said fourth-year educator Alicia Clark.

The PHEs plan today to distribute inspirational messages attached to Hershey's kisses, as well as paste motivating quotes on bathroom mirrors around Grounds.

"Originally we planned a 'Day Without Mirrors,' but we wanted to encompass more," said fourth-year educator Malaika Pepper. "Now we have a celebration of life, more than a celebration of not looking at yourself."

The daylong event also seeks to bring attention to the services and programs of the PHE Program. Throughout the year, the program provides up-to-date health information to University students. Today's festivities compose only a small aspect of the organization, which also sponsors outreach programs and student education sessions.

But today, the educators want all University students to take a minute to appreciate themselves.

"I hope people will come away from today's event with a better understanding of living life to the fullest and accepting themselves as they are," Pepper said.

The program has heralded today as a wake-up call, a message to students to spend more time appreciating beauty that goes beyond the surface.

"We want students to disregard inconsequential worries and concentrate on the important things in life," Clark said.

Pepper offered her own advice.

"Be more aware that you count or that you should accept yourself as you are," she said.

- Julia Salasky


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