The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Odds and Ends

By Kelly King

Cavalier Daily Associate Editor

Do you believe? Year after year students struggle to find some clue, some trick, that would explain his magical powers. Yet his intrigue never wanes. Tom DeLuca always manages to cast his spell over the crowd.

This evening beginning at 7 p.m., professional hypnotist Tom DeLuca will dazzle and amaze his audience in a show that has been part of a University tradition for nearly two decades.

DeLuca began his yearly shows at the University in the early 1980s, said Cecil Banks, chairman of the Comedy and Variety Committee.

"We first started bringing in DeLuca because he was a new entertainer and we thought that the student body would enjoy it," Banks said.

And enjoy it they will. "Roughly right now, we have about five or six thousand students attend the show. It's one of our largest events here at U.Va.," Banks said.

A crowd that large tends to draw fierce competition for seating. Many students walking to class this morning might even notice a small, but growing band of students staking out seats early.

"The show's at 7, so students begin arriving at 8 or 9 a.m. They set up blankets or play Frisbee," Banks added.

He said that their arrival is primarily in effort to be chosen to appear on stage.

"The fourth-year class is usually guaranteed five places on stage, whose names are drawn randomly in advance," said Banks.

But the remaining spots are up for grabs.

"The students chosen from the crowd are usually the most energetic people with the craziest signs," Banks said.

And this year likely will be the same. But one thing that will change is that for the first time, a first year will be guaranteed a spot on stage during DeLuca's famed hypnotist act.

"We wanted to get the first years more involved with the event," Banks said.

The University Programs Council will be holding a first-year pep rally on the Lawn where the name of the lucky student will be chosen.

Banks said he hopes first years will become part the long-standing DeLuca tradition - a tradition that isn't likely to change anytime soon.

"We've gotten offers from so many other hypnotists, but at this point it is an annual event that students always count on, so we just stick with DeLuca," Banks said.

He said that even though DeLuca visits other colleges, he remains faithful to the University.

"We book him like a year in advance to ensure his availability," Banks said.

Regardless of whether students believe DeLuca's powers are an illusion or a reality, it looks like he is here to stay.


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