Every year students attend late night meetings and those bogged down by the demands of classes, spend late hours in the libraries. With no bus service past midnight, students walking through Grounds after dark often have many safety concerns. This year the Student Council and administrative safety committees have worked hard to help ease student concerns.
William Wilkerson, McIntire School of Commerce Professor and Chair of the General Safety and Security Committee said, "We added a lot of safety phones and emergency lights (this year)." Housing helps to fund the safety improvements within the dorm complexes. The complete lighting of both wings of the Lambeth Field apartments was one of the projects the General Safety and Security Committee looked into. The General Safety and Security Committee meets once a month during the school year.
"Every year we do safety reports and safety walks, said Student Council Safety Concerns Committee Chair, Ellie Troland. "The Safety Concerns committee does the walks with University Police, students and Charlottesville community members." After the walk, the committee generally puts together a safety report about possible areas of concern.
Participants walk all areas of Central Grounds and some area's off-Grounds including Lambeth Field apartments and areas of Jefferson Park Avenue.
The reports have been effective in highlighting areas that need safety improvement in the past, Student Council President Abby Fifer said.
"Recent projects in the past year have had blue lights installed at University Circle. Lambeth Dorm area has had stairs fixed and lights have been installed," Fifer said.