Foreign policy experts to discuss America's war
Two weeks ago today the world stopped. People raced home from work. Students set aside the books for a marathon viewing of CNN - all to watch the World Trade Centers collapse again and again and again. The fires have gone out in New York and Washington, D.C., but the analysis and understanding of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 have just begun.
"America Responds to Terrorism," a two-hour presentation at the University's School of Law tonight, is in part a response to the demand for answers about the attacks.
"We're bringing in the most informed foreign policy experts in Charlottesville," said Prof. John Norton Moore, the Director for the Center for National Security Law.
Prof. Philip Zelikow, the director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs, said he hopes that part of the night will be spent defining what it means to say, "America's new war."
"We have been attacked by foreign enemies that we can't arrest," Zelikow said. "It becomes a war when we have to use our armed forces."
Moore also said he wants to expand on the specific aspects of this unique "war."
"The President had a fine statement the other night when he said that this will be a multi-phased war against terrorism," Moore said. "There must be a diplomatic front, a political front, an economic front, an intelligence front, among many others."
The policies already enacted will be presented and evaluated.
"The leaders of the world have powerfully come together," Moore said. "There is a political cohesiveness that shows an enhanced deterrence against terrorism."
After brief statements by each of the panelists, the event will open up to a question-and-answer session with the audience.
Zelikow listed off questions he said needs to be discussed and which he believes will be brought up.
"When does crime become a war? How do we define victory in this war? What are the main challenges we have to confront and what are our prospects? I think there are panelists who can shed light on these issues," Zelikow said.
Accompanying Moore and Zelikow on the panel will be former ambassador to Kuwait, W. Nathaniel Howell, former Deputy Secretary of State David Newsom, Col. Rick Rosen and Prof. Ruhi Ramazani, the former chair of the government and foreign affairs department.
By the end of the night, Moore said he hopes people have "a strengthened determination that this is a fight we must see through to the end."
Zelikow too had his goals for the evening.
"I hope people will walk away with a better understanding of the kind of conflict we're in and how we're going to wage it," he said.
The event begins at 7 p.m. in the Caplin Auditorium and is free and open to he public.
- By Josie Roberts
Cavalier Daily Life Editor