Put a little soul into it
By Kelly King
Cavalier Daily Associate Editor
It's hip. It's hop. And it's jazzy. It's Soul Cafe.
Tonight beginning at 8 p.m., Playa-made productions will host Soul Cafe at the Starr Hill Music Hall. The event will feature a variety of performers including poets, musicians and rappers.
David Anderson, president of Playa-made Productions and co-producer of the event, said that the featured artist of the event will be Tim Harris, a fourth-year College student who also is a vocalist and poet.
"He writes all of his own music and performs along with a live band. He will also be reading a couple of his poems," said Anderson, who also is a fourth-year College student.
Anderson said the show is intended to showcase a variety of talents and will include a number of other performers such as the jazz band Schleigho.
"Basically, we are trying to fuse everyone's talents all over U.Va. and the Charlottesville area. We are just trying to bring together the soul of the University," Anderson said.
Though the main focus of the event will be on performance and music, it will also act as a promotions party for the new University magazine, Shades of Expression.
"The magazine is a chance for students to express their art and talents through a variety of mediums," Anderson said.
But for Playa-made productions, finding a place to hold the event proved to be somewhat of a challenge initially.
"The fact that we are a business, not a CIO, means that we cannot do stuff on campus," said Anderson.
Fortunately for the group, though, Starr Hill opened it's doors to put on their first annual event.
Anderson said that tickets will be available prior to the event at Newcomb Hall or Plan 9 for $8 and at the door for $10. The tickets will be slightly more expensive for non-students.
Anderson, who helped develop the idea of Soul Cafe, said he hopes to attract a diverse audience for the first-time event.
"I just wanted to provide a chance for people to meet and mingle, for artists to give back to the community and to bring everyone out of their comfort zone," Anderson said.