If you look at the Virginia-Maryland game Jan. 31, it would appear Virginia boasts some of the best fans in the nation. A sea of orange cloaked the University Hall student sections as Cavalier fans worked their way up the decibel chart to reach a sound somewhere between the level of a live rock show and a jet takeoff.
Unfortunately, scenes like this storied one take place less than a half dozen times each year.
When the Cavaliers go up against the big boys like Duke and Maryland, Virginia "fans" come out of the woodwork to flood U-Hall. These "fans" camp out for weeks just to secure a seat. These "fans" barbecue, throw footballs and fight the cold nights on the concourse simply for the sheer novelty of it.
These "fans" just want to be able to brag that they camped out for eight nights to get into the game, even if it's one of the only games they attend all season.
This unfortunate scenario reached an even more unfortunate low in last week's home game against North Carolina. An announced crowd of 7,331 was far short of the 8,392 that U-Hall can hold. The 1,061 empty seats largely were in sections 7-11 and 22-26, better known as the student section where the real "fans" should sit.
We're not talking about a game against Wagner or East Tennessee State, either. These are the North Carolina Tar Heels. The hated North Carolina Tar Heels. A Virginia fan loathes the Tar Heels and would not miss a chance to see them play in U-Hall.
Well, at least that's the way it's supposed to be.
And where were some of these so-called Virginia "fans?" They were outside, during the UNC game, waiting for a chance to camp out for a Duke game still a full two and half weeks away.
We love Hooville. We love the idea of Virginia fans camping outside just to get into a basketball game. We love the guys and girls that would give up their Valentine's Day with their significant other (as they did last year) just to go to the Duke game. We do not, however, love the fans that skip a game, just to be the first in line.
But that's not even the worst part. The fact that many true fans will get shoddier seats, or no seats at all, just because some fans want to be known as the "first in line" and "down on the floor" for the big Duke game.
Camping out for two and a half weeks does not a fan make.
So what is a fan?
They are the people who will sit in front of their radio to listen to the Florida State game that is not on TV. They are the people that show up two hours early for the game against Howard. They are not the people aiming to be first in line just to get on SportsCenter with a "Hi Mom" sign.
So, in an attempt to keep the Georgia Tech game from resembling a library or rustling leaves on the decibel chart, let's see if the "fans" can go out and make the team feel at home for a game against a team that isn't a Duke or Maryland.
We have, after all, according to Duke star Jason Williams "the best fans in the country"