LAST WEDNESDAY, as I glanced at the front page of The Cavalier Daily before my first class started, I felt my jaw drop. A University student was connected to an alleged terrorist investigation. What's more, I knew this particular student. My eyes wide with disbelief, I snatched the paper and reread the article several times in class to make sure my sleepy brain was not playing tricks on me.
Since then, I have tried to glean as many facts as I possibly could, reading accounts from different news sources, trying to piece together new evidence into as complete an understanding as I could muster. One overarching fact has turned up in every article I've read: The FBI was not able to find any conclusive evidence to connect Abdalmuhssin El-Yacoubi or his brother to any terrorist organizations. Because of this, we should give Abdalmuhssin El-Yacoubi the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge that he is innocent of these charges.
I met Abdalmuhssin in my introductory comparative politics class last semester. He was in my discussion section, and toward the end of the semester, he invited me into his study group to prepare for the final. My memory of him during that class is still pretty strong, and I cannot remember a single instance in which he voiced any types of radical anti-Israeli or anti-American sentiments. In fact, if my recollection does not deceive me, he was very objective toward the Israeli-Palestinian situation and acknowledged the pros and cons of both sides, even though he favored the Palestinians because he is half-Palestinian. Throughout the class, he struck me as a nice, intelligent guy who honestly thought about what he said and believed.
However, such evidence is only circumstantial, and as difficult as it is to doubt one's own impressions, one must look at the hard facts. For instance, the infamous Sept. 11 hijackers were so good at hiding their true intentions that no one who had met them suspected for a second that they were members of a sleeper terrorist cell that planned to orchestrate the most horrible terrorist act in history.
The facts in this case are that Abdalmuhssin's brother and his friend tried to visit Israel in December to celebrate the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. They were held back when they arrived in the country because they had brand new passports that made airport authorities suspicious. A compass, calculator, video camera, cell phone, $2000 worth of cash and Abdalmuhssin's farewell letter were found in their belongings. To many of us, these items do not sound particularly incriminating, as many of us may have taken some of these items with us when we have flown. However, the Israeli airline El Al has security that makes U.S. measures seem lax in comparison.
It was Abdalmuhssin's letter, however, which led to the subsequent FBI investigation. Certain passages of the letter sounded as if they had been written as a final goodbye, implying that his brother was not ever to return, possibly because he planned on becoming a suicide bomber. In a letter written to The Cavalier Daily, Abdalmuhssin clarified that the letter had been misinterpreted and misunderstood, and stated that the true reason behind the fatalistic segments was his concern over his brother's safety because of the violence in the region.
After three months of investigation, the FBI found no evidence to link Abdalmuhssin or his brother to any terrorist groups. Only Abdalmuhssin knows exactly what he meant in the letter he sent to his brother. It is possible that his brother did indeed plan to carry out terrorist actions in Israel. However, anything is possible. Although the FBI has acknowledged that they still harbor suspicions toward El-Yacoubi, we must accept that there is no real evidence against him. In our country, one is innocent until proven guilty, and through that reasoning, we must support Abdalmuhssin's innocence.
Unfortunately, the damage to Abdalmuhssin's reputation already has occurred. His name and the accusations connected to it have been released around the nation through the media. Even though he was never proved guilty, people who meet him and hear his name may in the back of their minds feel suspicious of him.
El-Yacoubi's departure from this school also raises questions. The University refused to clarify whether it forced Abdalmuhssin out or whether he left on his own. If the University did indeed force him out, it should be construed as a grave error of judgment on the University's part which could lead to a mountain of legal trouble and bad publicity, as Abdalmuhssin is an innocent man.
Although it may be hard for some of us, especially after the last seven months plagued by terrorism, we must only pay attention to the hard facts. After a three-month investigation, the FBI has been unable to find any evidence of Abdalmuhssin's guilt. Even though the FBI remains suspicious, we should accept El-Yacoubi's innocence without apprehension.
(Alex Rosemblat's column appears Wednesdays in The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at