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Too stiff for prime time

IMAGINE someone who has run for Honor, University Judiciary Committee and class representative, and lost three times. Think about a Ph.D. student who tried and failed for decades to get his doctorate. Can you imagine a presidential hopeful who has run and run - and lost? It's not hard. His name is Al Gore.

Al Gore is a fine man. He has served his country well, but if he thinks that he has a chance in 2004, he has got to think again. On Monday, Gore delivered a speech to the Florida Democratic Convention where he all but announced his candidacy for president. Coming out of political exile for the first time in two years, Gore took the gloves off and attacked the Bush administration's policies on the economy, the Enron scandal and the budget surplus.

"I'm tired of this right-wing side-wind," Gore exclaimed. "I've had it." Using two nearby Disney World attractions to illustrate his point, Gore called the Democratic party "the party of Main Street USA," as opposed to the GOP, which he said was "the party of the pirates of Enron." Gore clearly is setting himself up for a political comeback, but it is a sad thing to see for Gore because his campaign would be doomed to failure. Instead of harming the country with a hopeless repeat of 2000, Gore should let someone else have a chance.

Related Links

  • Al Gore 2004 Web site
  • If Gore ever was going to win, 2000 was his year. He was riding the cusp of eight years of unrivaled economic prosperity attributable in part to the Clinton-Gore administration, he had name recognition, he had an incumbency advantage, and by many accounts, Gore was facing a weak opponent. Gore was supposed to dominate George W. Bush in the debates. Word on the street was that he was far more intelligent than Bush, and everyone turned on the TV to see how much blood would be shed. The stage was set for Al Gore to wage a fairytale campaign and fulfill his lifelong dream of moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. With all the advantages, Gore lost. Someone in his position should have won. He lost because he is Al Gore.

    On TV, Gore comes across as condescending and arrogant. His monotone and stiff demeanor have inspired many cartoonists to draw bolts onto his head and portray him as Frankenstein. Others have compared him to a cigar store Indian. His speeches are not inspiring, and he has little charm or charisma. Gore knows this about himself, and he tries to correct it in clumsy, fake ways. French kissing his wife at the Democratic National Convention, Gore wanted to come across as cool and hip. Gore also grew a beard and spent a year relaxing on the beaches in France. Reacting to the polls and Saturday Night Live critiques, Gore changed his personality for each of the three debates. Coming out winsome and energetic in debate one, weak in debate two and combative in debate three. Nobody knows who the real Al Gore is. He lost his home state, and support for him on a personal level always has been lukewarm almost everywhere else. While he may be a good man, Al Gore is not a made-for-TV president. Gore definitely should hang it up.

    To many Americans, Gore also is a relic of the Clinton administration. Americans remember a time of lies, cover-ups, scandals and stained dresses, and nobody is eager to go back. Gore did not use Bill Clinton to help him campaign in 2000. Clinton and Gore worked side by side for eight years. Without Bill Clinton, who is Al Gore, anyway?

    Some may claim Gore deserves a second chance because he won the popular vote in 2000 and he lost the election in Florida by the narrowest of margins. Over 54 million Americans supported Gore two years ago, and as Gore supporters rightly point out, he received more votes than any candidate has received in American history. Gore may feel cheated, but he has missed his chance. Times may change, but Al Gore is still himself. If he runs again, he will get routed. Bush's popularity ratings are sky high, and it is hard to unseat a president in wartime. America wants something new, not yesterday's news. Al Gore should gracefully step aside.

    But Gore shall not step aside. He has wanted to be president his entire life, and he'll keep trying until he can't try anymore. Whether he runs now or in 2028, he will face the same personality problems. His dreams will be foiled once again, and the Republican party will thank him for eight long years.

    (Mark Jensen is a Cavalier Daily viewpoint writer.)

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