IF THERE'S one thing that can live up to the hype, it's college. There's no other time in your life when you find that perfect blend of childhood dependence and adult freedom. For most, unfortunately, this period only lasts four years. I can't tell you how many recent graduates, middle-aged parents or 75 year-old retirees have said the following: Enjoy this time and don't take it for granted. I dare you to find any of my fellow fourth years who would disagree with this statement, since they all realize the same thing that I do ... life is good in college.
Now that you realize you're the envy of everyone, it's time to impart some words that can help make these four years even better. Many first years have a hard time adjusting to the way you can meet someone one night, and not run into them for another six months. The lack of familiar faces inevitably will change, but the speed in which that change comes is entirely up to you. First-year dorms are the easy and obvious way to meet people, some of whom may become your best friends. But you can go beyond that avenue by getting involved.
Getting involved does not mean padding your resume or joining clubs that produce the most Lawn residents. Figure out what you truly care about, and immerse yourself in it. You can learn more from one activity than from many of your classes. You'll be proud of your contribution to the University community while becoming best friends with those around you. Becoming active in an organization is the best way to find your niche in what can seem like an immense and daunting school. Whether it is through a fraternity or sorority, Student Council, Honor or the hundreds of other organizations at the University, you'll find your place.
If you know your life plan, be ready to change it. Most people don't end up discovering what they want to do with their lives until they're years removed from college. I have the most respect for people who proudly declare that their major is undeclared. The best part about college is the constant trial and error. You can try out classes, activities, food or anything else for that matter. If you like it, go for it. If you don't like it, well now you know. What's just as important as finding your strengths is understanding and learning about your weaknesses.
Along those lines, everyone got into this university for a reason. Everyone has their own gifts, and you may be surprised when you discover them. Everyone has their talents, and some people's talents may exceed yours. Therefore, be prepared to fail. Not everyone can be the valedictorian, the newspaper editor-in-chief or the captain of his or her team (many of you fit into one of those categories in high school). Nobody cares if you fail as long as you try. And with so many different opportunities, you're bound to succeed at something.
When it comes to knowledge about the University experience, don't ask for the advice of other first years, they know even less than you. You inevitably will hear rumors about certain traditions or groups around Grounds. Some may be true, but the majority are not. The best way to find out the truth is to ask those who are directly involved in that organization, especially the leaders. If you get to know these people, they'll be happy to give you the honest answer.
As for more practical insight, wait to sign a lease for off-Grounds housing until second semester. There will be those who tell you that if you don't sign a lease in September, you'll be stuck without housing. The truth is, there will be plenty of landlords still looking for tenants by the next summer. Unfortunately, at that point you'll have already signed a lease with the guy you barely knew a few weeks into school and since then you've realized that he's a bed-wetting lunatic with a penchant for your girlfriend. That's not fun.
Although at first you'll be dining at places aptly named O-Hell, the food situation will improve greatly. You'll cut back on dining hall food and start frequenting actual restaurants. Charlottesville has an abundance of fine establishments that will make you forget all about the dining hall mystery meat. Take advantage of them.
Be a part of the things that make this university unique. Sing the Good Ol' Song at football games. Study on the Lawn. Streak the Lawn. Spend Sunday afternoons at Beaver Creek. Uphold the honor system. Work hard, but don't be afraid to have fun. Hike the Appalachian trail. Get to know your professors and visit their homes. And when all else fails, quote Jefferson, it'll get you out of anything.
(Phil Trout is the president of the Inter-Fraternity Council.)