ONE NEED not be a daily follower of Virginia politics to know all public institutions are facing a fiscal crisis of colossal proportions. Rather than plead the usual case of demanding more services and better support for them from the General Assembly, a different tack should be taken. In this time of belt-tightening, administrative penny-pinching and even potential institutional layoffs, the responsibility of frugality must be shared by all members of the University community, not solely the administrators who hold the red pen. To borrow the refrain of Politics Professor Larry J. Sabato in a speech given to Student Council this past week, it is time students embraced the mantra "less is more" and joined the administration in promoting the most efficient use of University resources.
It would be wonderful if the University existed in a state that recognized the dilapidated condition of its colleges and responded with increased funding and support. Equally splendid would be a political environment in Virginia that recognized the link between the quality of services and the taxpayers' responsibility to provide for them. However, each of these scenarios is but a fairytale when it comes to the current disposition of politics in our fair Commonwealth. Voters reward those legislators brave enough to support higher taxes for better services by tossing them out at the end of their term. This is the tragic reality of Virginia politics today, and seems as unlikely to change as the Rotunda is round. Something else must be done.
This leaves it to the institutions of higher education to make cuts to accommodate the deficit created by lower than expected revenues. However, the state's institutions need help.
There are many costs incurred as a result of students' sometimes frivolous behavior. For example, when professors put articles on the online instructional toolkit, students frequently retreat to the nearest computer lab and use expensive toner and massive quantities of paper to print the usually verbose required reading.If students were to do most printing at home, or even resort to reading the online document instead of printing altogether, imagine the dollars the University might save.
The funds retained by more parsimonious printing habits will not be sufficient to keep more economics professors from bolting for more lucrative positions elsewhere, nor will they be adequate to fund a new building for the overcrowded College of Arts and Sciences. They will, however, begin to make a difference. Only the General Assembly and the support of the University's generous pool of friends and alumni can help relieve our fiscal crisis.
The point is to encourage students to think before engaging in activities that might be wasteful. The discarded copy of The Cavalier Daily that is casually abandoned on the bench at the bus stop, only to require disposal by hired staff, costs the University precious resources.
Similarly, the tape marks left on the columns of the Bryan Hall colonnade from illegally posted old fliers require repair from facilities maintenance crews. Chalking under covered areas requires power-washing, another precious resource needlessly spent, especially considering the severity of Virginia's current drought conditions. Consider the ways one engages in activities that in one way or another incur a cost upon the University throughout the day.
Rather than continuing to demand greater things from the General Assembly, it is time for the University community to band together and attempt to help itself.
Relief for our tight financial situation is only possible through the mutual suffering of all parties involved. Rather than turn on the air conditioner while sitting in a sweltering Cabell Hall sauna (i.e. classroom), crack a window instead. In lieu of purchasing a pre-paid phone card at 7-11, use the University's plan. Though usually marginally more expensive, the profit from the University plan directly benefits the quality of this institution.
It will take an investment in the future of the University to ensure the value of diplomas issued today, 25 or 50 years from now. That investment begins with the attention of all University students, faculty, staff and others.
There will be no quick fix in the near future. The money is not out there, neither in the pockets of potential donors nor in the public vaults of the Commonwealth. In the latter case, the cupboard is most certainly bare.
If the caliber of this institution is to remain impervious to the slow death inflicted by state budget cuts and irresponsible government, the onus rests on each individual here to do their part. Take ownership of this school. Be frugal, be efficient and be aware.
The fiscal situation currently facing the University threatens all that is great about this place. It is time everyone did their part to help.
(Preston Lloyd's column appears
Thursdays in The Cavalier Daily.
He can be reached at