Most of the students that attend the University are proud to be Cavaliers for many reasons, whether it's because of the beautiful scenery, the atmosphere, the people or something of the like. This weekly article will try to enhance that appreciation for Mr.
Jefferson's institution by describing events that helped
shape the University into what it is today.
The history of the University begins with Jefferson's plans for public education, which he felt was essential for the budding republic. He understood that an educated public was beneficial for the overall growth of the country, and so, as a state legislator in 1779, Jefferson offered to the Virginia General Assembly the "Bill for More General Diffusion of Knowledge," which would create a system of public schools in the commonwealth.Much to Jefferson's chagrin, the bill was not passed -- but he would not stop there in his pursuit.
He helped spread his ideas of public education to other states, such as North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Vermont, which all had public facilities of higher learning by 1802. During Jefferson's presidency, the West Point Military Institute (at the time used as a military/civil engineering school) also was established. Even with public education spreading around the country,
Jefferson's home state, Virginia, still was apprehensive about
establishing a public institution of higher learning.
Jefferson, one of the most powerful men in the country and a
die-hard Virginian at heart, couldn't establish public education
in the face of a stubborn Virginian legislature.
Next week: How Thomas Jefferson was able to create
his public University.