It seems like the only thing students have to do is complain; to talk about what is wrong with their lives, other people and society in general. When Internet or cable goes down, you would think the world has ended judging by the amount of complaining done. In general, looking around and observing University students, there is an excess of whining. Not often do many young adults take a stand and act positively to promote change.
Actions speak louder than words, and also give validity to them.Instead of just complaining about what cannot be changed, students should take to the polls and exercise their right to vote and act to change those things that are adaptable. Voting gives citizens the opportunity to speak out against or support issues and politicians that concern them.It will be especially important this midterm election because of the General Obligation Bond referendum on Virginia's ballot and because nationally, Democrats have a chance to take the House of Representatives in Congress, thus shifting the balance of power.
Americans tend to be apathetic toward government and related institutions, especially the young adult population. According to the 2000 government census ( only 32.3 percent of 18-24 year-olds voted in the November 2000 election, the lowest percentage for all voting age brackets. And that was a presidential election.
There is no excuse for not voting. As Americans, living in a democratic nation, we benefit from many rights and freedoms not enjoyed by our counterparts in other countries where rights are either non-existent or blatantly ignored. However, calling on what many parents have said to their children: With rights come responsibilities, and our responsibility as American citizens is to vote. Enjoying the rights necessitates involvement in the institutions that give us those rights.
It is hardest to get college students to care when it seems that there is very little "in it" for them. This particular election year is a midterm election, meaning that it is the middle of the president's term and the only things on ballots will be of state and local concern. If you are not from Virginia, there's a chance that the Democrat-Republican balance in both houses of Congress could change based on who wins elections in November. For Virginia residents, the number of things on their ballot will depend on where in Virginia they hold permanent residence. The University community has the opportunity for vast improvements to gain from this state election and from in-state students caring enough to vote.
The General Obligation Bond referendum will appear on the Nov. 5 Virginia ballot. Basically, if passed by a majority of voters in the entire state, this would lend $846 million to improve capital facilities at colleges and universities across the state. The University itself would receive $68.3 million for construction projects and facilities upgrades. Thus, there is actually a lot "in it" for the University's future.
The University Democrats and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. are hosting "2002 in 2002," a month long drive to get 2,002 new people registered to vote. Students from all 50 states do not even have to deal with the hassle of going out of their way to register or apply for an absentee ballot; they can do it on their way to class on the Lawn or after lunch in Newcomb.
Voting is one of easiest ways to take action and try to fix problems that exist. Spending an hour per year to check boxes on a sheet of paper is far easier than trying to invoke change through political rallies or petitions. Though it might get more attention than voting, whining and complaining is not a solution. If as a generation we seek to be seen as capable of taking over the roles of our elders, we must prove that we deserve respect. Moving beyond the juvenile behavior of grumbling and expecting someone else to fix it is the best way to achieve such a goal.
This election should be of particular interest to Virginia students because it will directly affect the institutions of which we enjoy the benefits. It gives us a chance to show how mature we are and how much we care about our educational facilities and their future. By demonstrating our generation's ability to act, we will prove ourselves adult and mature. We will have shown ourselves ready, willing and responsible enough to take over the mechanisms of government and business controlled by our elders; ready to transition from children to adults. But even beyond this year and the bond referendum, voting is a unique way in which we can directly affect our cities, states and the nation as a whole. We have the ability to change the things we don't like and maintain the things we enjoy. To throw away such a right is not only childish and ignorant, but just plain lazy.
(Kate Durbin is a Cavalier Daily viewpoint writer.)