TWO WEEKS. In fact, exactly two weeks from this very moment. That's right, everyone. In just two weeks, it is not only the responsibility, but the obligation of every eligible student at this University to go out to the polls and vote for the bond referendum. Calling all those rising politicos, concerned citizens and volunteer fanatics. Calling all environment lovers, pro-lifers and first years. That's right, call everyone you even think you know, because two weeks from today is the definitive moment where students at this University can actually get up, make a stand and initiate change.
On Nov. 5, residents across the Commonwealth of Virginia will go out and vote on whether to provide $846 million in bonds for educational facilities around the state, $68.3 million of which is slated to channel to the University. With massive budget cuts affecting all public institutions of higher learning across Virginia, this referendum will be a major influential factor in the future of this University. Basically, there is nothing that can be said concerning our wants and needs at this University if this referendum is not passed. The implications of not voting for the bond referendum create a political basis for the argument that funding for educational purposes is not a priority for this state. As college students, we should recognize the problem with this idea. Clearly, educational funding is a serious necessity, but it will lose all importance if we do not pass the referendum. Actions speak so much louder than words, so please, we should finally scream at our government that education is our priority. Otherwise, our school will end up lacking distinction, prestige and value.
According to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, all colleges and universities are facing significant increases in enrollment. However, our wonderful facilities may be in poor shape when these students arrive. By this time next year, multiple University facilities -- such as the Bice upper-class dormitory and Cocke Hall -- will have actually closed for renovations that can no longer be put off. Many other facilities requiring maintenance and attention continue to be used despite the deteriorating structures.
Even outside our facilities, the negative effects of budget cuts can already be witnessed around Grounds with the eradication of many services and reductions in availability of various labs and libraries. The quality of our school will only depreciate with time, neglect and lack of funding. Governor Mark R. Warner has emphasized that "We must have [funding to repair facilities] to ensure that those who follow [us] continue to find a University of excellence." College students often are viewed as politically negligent and indifferent toward serious issues, but this is the time when our vote is required in order to pass the bond referendum.
Guys, friends, fellow students: Not often does anyone make a call to vote, particularly to our age group, especially in an off-year election. However, this is mine: Please vote. So many organizations around Grounds have worked so hard to register so many. However, it is beyond any group's control. The responsibility now weighs on the shoulders of each individual who is eligible to vote two Tuesdays from today. If you truly find pride in the traditions of this University and actually are concerned with the shaping of its future, then you need to vote. Do we not owe it to ourselves to at least make a wonderful attempt? We absolutely have to pass the bond referendum in two weeks.
Even if you cannot wait to escape from Grounds with your diploma, it is no excuse for not voting. Education, period, is essential to the progress of our country as a whole. As college students, we have all been granted an opportunity and privilege that many in this nation never have. The quality of education cannot be compromised for future students. This is what is going to happen if funds are continually cut from the educational budget from the University.
Virginia Tech can pull together on their drill field to send a message to Warner. George Mason can begin a paper protest. The University can perform the most logical and productive action available at this point -- in the ballot box. The best bet is to show support at the polls in two weeks. There is no excuse for ignorance, and there can be no more complaints, side comments, or whining unless our student body makes the affirmative step to rise above apathy. This is our school, and I have no desire to graduate from an institution of increasingly degrading quality resulting from budget cuts. Now is the time to get up and make a successful attempt at getting the University the funding it and its students absolutely deserve. We as students need to pull together as a body and make a difference. The burden of the University is on our shoulders, and now is the time to carry the load. Otherwise, look forward to more budget cuts, lower quality of education and higher tuition. Will you accept the challenge? I hope so, and when you do, I will see you at the polls.
(Amey Adkins' column appears Tuesdays in The Cavalier Daily. She can be reached at