If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you love your body and you know it, get a massage.
University Programs Council, Inter-Sorority Council and the University chapter of the National Organization for Women sponsored free massages in Newcomb Hall Yesterday.
At 2:30 p.m., the line of people waiting for a session stretched down the hall outside the massage room in Newcomb Hall Room 168.
First-year Engineering student Katie Jogerst said she hoped the massage would alleviate the stress from her classes in the Engineering School.
"It's a great idea," Jogerst said. "Everybody has issues, but you just need to love your body."
The massages were part of a week long series of programs designed to promote a healthy body image in women.
ISC president and fourth-year Commerce student Whitney Eck said the massage program was added to the week's events because massages often are associated with good health.
"Love Your Body Week" is an extension of national "Love Your Body Day," which was Yesterday. The day honors speaking out against negative images of women.
"While talking to the president of NOW, we decided it would be great to expand to a whole week and incorporate general health," Eck said.
NOW co-president and third-year College student "M" Bruce said forming a partnership between NOW and ISC was overdue.
"In the past there's been a lack of coalition," Bruce said. "We're two organizations trying to make the lives of women better."
Eck agreed. "A lot of women's organizations have the same goal in mind, to promote strong leadership in women."
But women weren't the only ones in line for a massage.
University alumnus Slate Burris was waiting for relief for his "tired and weary body."
Burris said he was getting ready to pay someone for a massage when he heard about the UPC program.
"It's important to love your body," Burris said. "That's what we're going to do with the massages."
"Love Your Body Week" culminates tonight at 9:30 with a dance party at Baja Bean.