The University of Michigan admitted last Thursday that several former basketball players accepted money from a university booster, which is prohibited by NCAA rules. The school has decided to punish itself in the hopes that the NCAA will be more lenient with its own punishment. Michigan has decided that it will erase its wins from the '92-93, '95-96, '96-97, '97-98 and '98-99 seasons in which affected players competed, retire banners commemorating post-season tournament achievements in those seasons, pay back NCAA donations for tournament wins, and most severely, forbid the current basketball program from accepting invitations to post-season tournaments this season. Although most of these punishments are appropriate, banning the current team from participating in post-season tournaments is unwarranted, as none of the current coaching staff or basketball players have been connected to the irresponsible actions of their predecessors.
Michigan has very good reason to want to punish itself. The NCAA, especially in the past few years, has been known for its harsh punishments of schools that violate its rules. Although Michigan's self-imposed reprimands may seem extreme, the NCAA has the power to ban Michigan from recruiting for as long as it sees fit, or even discontinue the Michigan program temporarily or permanently. By penalizing itself, Michigan hopes to show that it is committed to cleaning up its own program and will hopefully elicit sympathy from the NCAA. But if recent trends are any indication, despite its self-reprimand Michigan will probably face harsher penalties from the NCAA than those that it has inflicted on itself.
Because of its violation of NCAA rules, the Michigan basketball team may have benefited illegally. Recruits' knowledge of these practices could have been a major factor in their decision to commit to Michigan and would have given that school an unfair advantage. This is an offense that must be punished. Michigan should redirect its penalties to go after the basketball program itself, such as limiting scholarship numbers in order to make amends for its previous excesses related to illicit loans, instead of affecting the players who make up the team and had nothing to do with the basketball program's mistakes.
Although the University of Michigan is justified in punishing itself, the sentence does not fit the crime. Forfeiting wins and recognition of tournament appearances is an appropriate step, as this action has a direct connection to the teams that featured players who accepted illegitimate money.
Unfortunately, the punishment is not severe enough because it doesn't affect the status within the current basketball world, which is the one that has to deal with these illicit transactions. Not allowing the basketball team to compete in post-season tournaments is the type of punishment that spells commitment and dedication, as it is a tremendous sacrifice for the school, its students, alumni and sports fans. However, that doesn't make this punishment correct, at least in these circumstances, because it is not affecting the guilty parties.
Penalizing Michigan's current basketball team is illogical and unfair. As mentioned earlier, none of the current coaching staff or players had anything to do with this scandal. Athletes on the Michigan basketball team chose Michigan over other schools that were recruiting them.
It is not fair to them to be punished for the actions of people with whom they have no connection. It also doesn't make any sense. There is no logical association between dealing out penalties to past players who violated rules and taking away tournament hopes from current players who have no connection to that unfortunate past.
Michigan instead should focus on the players who are responsible for the shame and troubles they have caused their school. Although they are already trying, Michigan should refocus its efforts to enforce legal actions against the players who were involved in taking the loans and anyone else who knew about it and turned a deaf ear. Many of those involved in the scandal are still active in today's basketball world. In addition, Michigan could take further actions against their immoral former players and coaches if they are proven guilty, such as barring them from ever visiting the campus or attending any away games that the team plays in.
Although these suggested punishments do not seem to be as effective or revolutionary as what Michigan has presently enacted, they do go after the true culprits who are the ones responsible for what happened in those past seasons.
No matter what Michigan does, if historical trends prove correct the NCAA will probably still levy even harsher penalties against the university than those it is imposing on itself. The school cannot control that matter, and it is a punishment it will have to accept. Even though punishing the current team may be a way to ultimately make the penalty less severe, Michigan should have enough integrity to recognize that its self-punishment is aimed at the wrong people. In the U.S. legal system, if the innocent are wrongfully accused, they can appeal the case and again try to prove their innocence. The Michigan basketball team does not have that chance, but one can hope that the school will see the error in its judgments and revoke that part of its punishment.
(Alex Rosemblat's column appears Wednesdays in The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at