"She was undeniably really, really cute in face and other physical attributes, yet shivering against the cold there in front of the main entrance to Thornton Hall. A black knit cap was pulled down almost to her eyebrows, but out of the back fell shoulder length hair falling indeed over her shoulders and down the black turtleneck sweater that she wore. She had tight, low-cut black slacks, black boots, and indeed to compliment the outfit, even black gloves. She looked like some fashion bunny from a preppy clothes catalog, and yet she shivered on and on -- probably due to the six-and-a-half inches of exposed belly button belly area."
-- It's gettin' cold out here
"For the love of God, get the trays back in the dining hall. The drought is over. I want the trays back now."
-- Rain dancer
"I love the Hullabahoos, and I thought there concert last week was great, but what's going on with those robes? It's like they're always falling off or the sleeves are too long."
-- Hullabafan