"One of my housemates had been receiving packages in the mail containing hilarious sexual objects. All the packages were from "Ron Jeremy" and came with personalized notes. My friend was baffled as to who was sending the packages until I revealed to him late Thursday night that it was actually my parents, sending him old gag gifts (no pun intended) that they had found lying around the house. They knew he makes a lot of sexually-oriented jokes and prank phone calls and thought it would be good to get back at him. He was astonished and now claims that they won the battle, but he will win the war."
-- Gotcha!
"I am completely disillusioned with this University. To start off, it's hard enough to get into upper level classes, and it seems that everything interesting is restrictred to majors and instructor permission. To boot, ISIS only has made things more complicated and frustrating. If I hear one more Echols Scholar complain that they could not get onto ISIS on Monday, I am going to steal their registration number and sign them up for five sections of graduate level Calculus classes. Then we'll see if you are still an Echols Scholar after that tramatic experience."
-- Un-Echicol