It's a Sunday afternoon, birds are chirping, children are playing and the stomach is calling for a tasty home-style meal from Cranberry Farms. However, this meal of choice for numerous University students is no longer available on a sunny -- or any other kind of -- Sunday.
Beginning this semester, Pavillion XI has cut down the hours of operation for the food court that serves many hungry students on weekdays and weekends alike. Not only does this affect those students who frequent the "Pav" on weekends, but also those employees who worked on Sundays and needed the extra hours.
"It's kind of unfortunate that it's not going to be open as much," said second-year College student Tara Graul." I'd rather eat here than at the dining hall or try to make something at home. I feel bad for the students that don't have a house to make stuff at, the ones that are stuck in dorms."
The cut in the hours of the Pavillion also comes before the opening of a new Sushi bar next to Freshens Smoothies. Some students raised questions about the necessity for the new food choice when there is less of an opportunity to enjoy it.
"I feel that the addition of the Sushi bar isn't really a good compensation," said first-year College student Allison Mandas. "What's the point in having a Sushi bar if you can't even get there?"
Students also worried about being forced to explore their other options.
"I'd rather eat real food than cafeteria [food]," said Mandas. "[They should] reopen evening hours because when you go to the dining halls it's disgusting and I'd rather be here."
Second-year College student Leah Rosenberg felt that the cuts were part of the larger budget issues.
"I think a lot of people appreciate the Pav," Rosenberg said. "There's a lot of cutting going on, with professors and other services, and it's really affecting the quality of life for students."
Attempts were made to contact Pav managers, but they were unable to comment.
Pavillion XI is currently open from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Friday, from 12 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Saturday, and will remain closed on Sunday. Montague's Deli now closes at 5 p.m.