The following story was compiled by random University students. Each was asked to read the story and then add a sentence, or part thereof, to the previous ones. The final product contains the words of 22 students.
I walked out of Cabell Hall this morning, and there on the Lawn was a black dog. I darted over to it and climbed on its back.
I tried to ride it to the Rotunda but the dog insisted that I was infringing on its rights as an individual entity.
"I know my body, and you are not part of it, so get off!"
"Wait," I said. "Dogs can't talk. That's craaazy!"
So then I thought to myself, "I must be dreaming." All of the sudden I woke up and I was in the White House with Bill Clinton.
He told me that if I "went out with him, there would be world peace."
I said "no" to him. "If I went out with your wife, the former first lady, I think that world peace would be promising. But with you, the collapse of the government would be inevitable. Fortunately though, I just joined a sorority of hot girls who would probably be very interested."
When I went back to the sorority house after looking through Party Pics, I straightened my bleach-blond hair and headed off to the tanning salon.
I laid in the bed for three hours, consequently coming out with a nasty red burn on my face. I decided to walk out with a bag over my face and walked clear into oncoming traffic.
But I turned around, decided to rethink my life and went to the chapel and dropped to my knees before an all-merciful God.
I prayed to him to tell me what to do, and then, the Virginia Tech Hokie bird mascot appeared, mocking me for our basketball team's miserable performance against his home team.
Too bad the Virginia Tech Hokie bird mascot obviously doesn't even make the basketball team so he has little room to talk. After he was told this, he flew back to his school and I walked on.
Then I asked myself what a Hokie was ... and I answered my question by saying that a Hokie was a real S.O.B. to Bill Bradski.
Bill Bradski told me exactly what a Hokie was, causing me to lose my lunch in intermittent fits of nausea and paroxysmal laughter.
My vomit covered a pair of distinguished shoes, and I looked up to see President John Casteen eyeing me coldly.
"What a day," I thought to myself. And to think that it all started just this morning when I walked out of Cabell Hall...