FOURTH years have no doubt been bombarded with solicitations from their peers for months now, but as the year begins to wind down, representatives of the Class of 2003 Trustees have recently descended on nearly every major organization on Grounds putting in a plea for class giving. Class giving entails making a usually modest monetary contribution to the University in the name of the class. While many enjoy harping on the duty of a student to give back, this third year sees a different perspective. Substantial class participation in class giving -- regardless of the donation amount -- directly relates to the perceived prestige and national ranking of this institution and is thereby directly tied to the value of every graduated student's diploma.
Out-of-state students pay more in tuition than students from Virginia. Sidestepping for a moment the debate over how much that distribution should be, many students clearly feel that they pay more than their fair share to the University, and other groups (cough