Spring is here. Temperatures are rising and so are the hems of pants and skirts. And for most, love is in the air. For others, it is just ... not. For those experiencing a dating dry season just as the weather becomes perfect for a picnic for two, the sisters of Kappa Delta sorority are here to help.
The third annual Kappa Delta Athlete Date Auction takes place tonight at O'Neill's. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase a University athlete, who will take them out to a dinner, paid for by local restaurants.
"The athletes volunteer their time, and they're auctioned off with a dinner prize donated from local merchants," second-year College student Meredith Valentine said. "Whoever buys the athlete gets the dinner too."
The athletes, drawn from numerous varsity and club sports teams, have volunteered to help out for a cause. Proceeds from the date auction will go to support Prevent Child Abuse America, an organization that works to raise awareness and implement prevention efforts in 39 states and the District of Columbia.
"Most of our proceeds go to the Richmond office," Valentine said. "So it's local as well as national, which is really nice."
Valentine said the event's success in previous years helped the sorority garner donations.
"We go to [the sponsors] with a sheet of information with all they need to know about the event," Valentine said. "They usually give some kind of gift certificate," which will be later auctioned off with the athlete. "They're usually really receptive to it. They're great, because we've done this for a couple of years," she said.
According to Valentine, who also worked on the event last year, the sisters of Kappa Delta hope to surpass last year's profits of over $1,600. Efforts were made to begin planning much further in advance this year, as well as to consult the proper authorities for permission to use varsity athletes in the auction. NCAA regulations specify guidelines which the girls have taken care to follow.
First year Architecture student Rush Bailey, a first-time participant, said she is excited about her first activity with Kappa Delta as an initiated sister.
"It just promises to be a really fun and exciting event," she said. "The guys that are doing it are excited about it, and its going to be a lot of fun"