A few of my friends and I were eating lunch one day at O'Hill, and we were so surprised to hear that our friend didn't know who dropped the atomic bomb, whether it was the United States, or Japan, or where it was dropped. I thought this was common knowledge for everyone. Do you think she's a moron?
-- Know-it-all
I wanted to inform you of something that my friend just said. I asked if she had ever heard of the Day of Silence, and do you want to know what her response was? "Oh, yeah, isn't that a Mexican holiday?" I give her this weird-ass look and then she's like, "Oh, no, that's the Day of the Dead." So I just thought I would inform you of this. My friends are really weird, in case you had not noticed.
-- Know-it-all II
I'd like to commend the workers in Pavilion XI in Newcomb Hall for finally restoring the fountain soda drinks to the Pav after their long absence since the drought in the fall. I'm not sure why it took the Pav so long to get back the fountain drinks but they are much appreciated, and the student body is very grateful. Thanks a lot.
-- Fountain of Thanks