We have all been rather startled to find each day in Cabell Hall that a whole network of ringing, clanging, etc, bells signals the start and finish of each class. We want to thank the powers that be for finding a system to remind forgetful professors of the element of time, but also heartily condemn them for this noisy, unseen intruder into our academic sanctuary.
All through grammar and high school we remember our constant irritation with the bells that regulated our every movement and it seemed that the absence of these nerve-jarring sound-makers was one of the smaller, but important virtues of this University -- that is until this September.
Then all of a sudden, without any warning, there were bells; they filled the halls and the classrooms, even the elevators, it seemed, with their jangling. All we can say is we don't like it and wish someone would stop it -- we can think of nothing else that will make the students as neurotic as this noise. We'd even rather be held over in class for a few minutes.
C.B.A., Jr.