You don't go to bed until 4 or 5 in the morning because you have decided to drink so much or consume whatever is your fancy to such a ridiculous extent that you couldn't possibly go to sleep before then anyway. And since the sun is high enough in the sky by about 8:30 or 9, your tent turns into an oven pretty quickly, causing you to wake up with minimal sleep, sweat pouring off your body and pains in your head, stomach, and wherever else due to the ongoing processes of your body as it tries to filter out whatever you have ingested to cause all this trauma in the first place.
Where are you?You are in Bonnaroo -- living proof that all those people claiming that the free-spirit/hippy movement is over are wrong. Of course, these hippies are a little different than the ones our parents grew up hanging out with (or grew up being, if that was their gig). Of course, a lot has changed since the Summer of Love in '67 and Woodstock in '69, thanks to incredible improvements in technology and intellect. We have not only added the "information superhighway," but we have also found numerous more ways to test the limits of our toxicity levels. The Bonnaroo crowd seems to be a conglomeration of every self-medicating science major who fell through the cracks of normal society and found hope in the euphoria of depressants and the twitches of stimulants. They have found new and impressive ways to make themselves completely inept to the world around them. Some of them base their whole lives on being stoned at all hours of the day. Some of them smell.
But, if that is all you focus your pessimistic thoughts on, then you are missing the entire point of Bonnaroo. This is your escape from everyday life -- you have decided willingly to jump back a couple thousand years and join in a gypsy market