Students from all backgrounds will come together tonight to participate in "U.Va. in 20/20, how is your vision?," a program sponsored by the Minority Rights Coalition and Student Council.
The Coalition is comprised of the Asian Student Union, the Black Student Alliance, the Latin Student Union, the National Organization for Women and the Queer Student Union.
Third-year College student Katy Shrum, president of the University chapter of the National Organization for Women, said the purpose of the Coalition is to build community and to help students realize that all oppression is interrelated.
M. Bruce, fourth-year College student and chair of the Coalition, said the goal of "U.Va. in 20/20" is to actively challenge attendees to critically self-reflect on their position in society.
"We hope that they will leave with a better understanding of how personal identity and group membership -- race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. -- influence one's life experience," Bruce said.
The event will feature three speakers, including Sharon Hayes, associate professor for the departments of Sociology and Studies in Women and Gender, Yadira Perez, a doctoral candidate for the department of anthropology and Tyrone Simpson, a predoctoral fellow in the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African and African American Studies.
Third-year College student Alex Yec, the president of the Latino Student Union, said the speakers were chosen because they expressed interest in diversity and participated in classes related to the topic.
Bruce said she hopes "U.Va. in 20/20" will help accomplish the Coalition's goal of educating the University community about issues affecting Coalition members and the communities they represent.
Shrum agreed and said, "I'm just hoping to get people talking."
Yec added that he hopes the program will spread some awareness.
The event will take place in Old Cabell Hall at 8 p.m. and will be followed by a reception in the foyer.
"The purpose of the reception is to continue fostering discussion about issues of race, gender, sexuality and justice," Bruce said.