There's this guy in PLAP 381 who has the audacity to interrupt David M. O'Brien. For no good reason. I would hope that the professor would actually tell him to come to his office hours, but the guy is so obnoxious, I don't even think the professor wants him coming to his office hours. So for the sake of everyone in PLAP 381, would you, Obnoxious Guy who sits in the back on the right, please shut up. Thank you.
--Speaking for the Class
The air conditioning at this University is out of control! Last Sunday at Alderman Library, the air conditioning was so cold, I had to leave the building to go outside because I was physically shaking. The same problem has reoccurred in many classes over the past week as well. As the weather gets colder, the need for excessive air conditioning has decreased. In the interests of fiscal responsibility at the University, I think facilities management should take action and decrease the air conditioning, in the process saving much needed cash that can be better put towards more professors, smaller class sizes and a new New Cabell Hall.
-- Chillin'