SIXTEEN American soldiers were killed in Iraq on Sunday when the Chinook helicopter they were traveling in was downed just outside of Baghdad. It was the worst attack that Americans have seen since May 1 and the official end of major combatant operations. The downed helicopters along with two separate attacks in Iraq on the same day constitute the worst one day casualty loss since March 23, when 28 Americans were killed.
Despite the mounting casualties and the devastating loss of our armed forces members, America along with her allies must remain strong and focused in the embittered battle in Iraq. To quit now would not only create a dangerous vacuum of anarchy in an already volatile area of the world, but would also weaken the American's position in the barely begun war on terror.
The loss of American troops is regretful and heartbreaking, but as unfortunate as it is, it is a casualty of war. The American body count should not dictate the American foreign policy. The ends will eventually justify the means -- if America, Britain, etc., stay put in Iraq.
To pull out now would mean thousands of both Coalition forces as well as Iraqi innocents have died in vain. The beginning goal -- the downfall of one of the worst modern dictators, a blow to international terrorists and freedom for the Iraqi people -- would be completely lost. If the coalition forces were to leave, the Iraqi people could face one of two equally horrible fates -- the return of Saddam to power and all the tyranny and horror that accompany him or a takeover by the equally oppressive Iran government.
Either outcome is a lose-lose situation not only for the people of Iraq but also for the Americans. Not only would we have wasted millions of dollars and hundreds of our own troops, but the war in Iraq has created untold anti-American sentiment throughout the Middle East. This sentiment pooled with the newly abandoned terrorist breeding ground that is Iraq would be devastating to the American people. The only course of action left to us is to see it through -- the coalition forces started the war in Iraq, and now we must finish it, regardless of the future losses that may lie ahead.
Thankfully, it seems as though the American government acknowledges this. In an address in Birmingham, Alabama, on Monday, President Bush, while not specifically commenting on the latest loss of troops overseas, declared strongly that American troops "will never run" ("Blasts hit Baghdad's 'Green Zone',"
While his faith in our military and overall confidence of our continuance as a superpower is admirable, the latest round of rhetoric is not enough to win the war and save our troops. It will take more than just words and patriotism to see this war through.
For starters, Coalition forces must first secure the Iraq borders in order to prevent any more resistance fighters from entering the country from both Syria and Iran. The coalition forces must either control the borders themselves or in the words of Iraq coalition leader L. Paul Bremer get more help from Syria and Iran in "sealing that border and keeping terrorists out of Iraq ("Iraq Copter Attack Kills 16 U.S. Troops,", Nov. 3). Our troops have enough problems with the Saddam loyalists in the country -- they certainly don't need a continuously growing force of enemy combatants.
It's an issue of containment -- keep the foreign terrorists out of the already unsafe situation, and the problem will not escalate. Continue to have loose borders and our troops face an uphill, never ending battle.
It is not just up to the American troops and government, though, to further the Coalition cause. Both our government and our troops need support, and both can be given in very simple, easy ways.
First, in one short year reelect President Bush -- let him continue the task that he has begun and help bring more safety both home and abroad to Americans and the international community in general.
This is not to say though that we should blindly accept all of the President's actions. It is our patriotic duty as concerned American citizens to question our leaders and ensure that the best job possible is being done for our country. So question President Bush, question his administration -- but support him. His efforts following September 11 in Afghanistan, in Iraq following Saddam's refusal to disarm and on the American domestic front with issues such as the partial-birth abortion are all evidence of a job well done. Supporting President Bush in turn supports our troops and in turn helps the fight in Iraq.
Additionally, Americans should support troops directly. Display proudly the yellow ribbon that represents military support, join one of numerous local organizations that provide pen pals to oversea troops, really honor our veterans a week from now on November 11.
Sadly enough, the war in Iraq is far from over and it's foolish to say that we have seen the last of coalition casualties. We must stick together as a country, as a coalition and as a force for freedom against tyranny if we are ever to really succeed in the war on terrorism. American troops will never run -- and hopefully neither will their support back home.
(Maggie Bowden is a Cavalier Daily associate editor. She can be reached at