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Reforming immigration reform

LESS THAN two weeks ago, President Bush rolled out his first domestic policy initiative: an immigration reform proposal aimed at allowing those working in the country illegally a chance to join a new temporary guest worker program. Under the plan, illegal immigrants could obtain an initial three-year work permit granting them legal status if they can show employment within the United States. While the proposal might make sense economically and reflect this country's long-tradition of immigration, the plan is both illogical and ill-advised.

Current estimates put the number of illegal immigrants in the United States at between eight and 12 million, and it is a known fact that they take many of the jobs that some Americans simply won't do. President Bush called for "common sense and fairness" in offering legal status to those illegal immigrants who can show they are employed, but what measure of fairness can we possibly owe those who broke the law to enter our country in the first place? In addition, the message it sends to all foreigners wishing to work and reside in this country is terrible: Enter the legal way and respect the system and you'll spend years waiting; jump the line, enter illegally and be rewarded with a temporary worker permit and legal status.

Another flaw in the plan is an irrational assumption that most temporary workers will return to their countries when their visas expire. Legally, the plan calls for this, and Bush mentioned in his Jan. 12 conference with Mexican President Vicente Fox that he "expects that most temporary workers will eventually return permanently to their home countries" An illegal immigrant who enters the guest-worker program, finds gainful employment here and tastes some of the benefits of citizenship is not going to want to return to their home country after three years.

Bush is also naive to think the temporary guest worker program will curb illegal immigration. The plan essentially advertises the message: Enter the country by any means possible, find a menial job, sign-up for the renewable three-year guest worker permit and you're set. The proposed guest worker program is essentially amnesty wrapped up in a "compassionate conservative" blanket, and illegal immigration numbers will undoubtedly increase and create more problems that solutions.

Those in favor of the proposed policy or an even more illegal immigrant-friendly policy will decry the opposition as xenophobic, just as the adversaries of affirmative action are labeled racists. Those claims make little sense as the core of the issue is not the who but the what. Illegal immigrants do indeed greatly benefit the economy by filling jobs Americans won't take. In addition, we're all sons and daughters of immigrants, so it's natural to feel sentiment towards those simply seeking a better life. But legitimizing and rewarding illegal immigration (which is what the plan does) goes against the rule of law, and that's why many conservatives oppose the plan.

Support for curbing illegal immigration and limiting immigration in general is not restricted to just those on the far-right. A November 2003 Pew Research Center poll revealed 77 percent of Americans say "we should restrict and control people coming into the country to live more than we do now," including 82 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of both Democrats and Independents. Yet, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle consistently ignore both public opinion and the national security danger posed by illegal immigration and porous borders.

The Bush immigration reform proposal, while seemingly well-intentioned is more an election year ploy than any attempt at serious immigration reform. There's no coincidence between the fact that Hispanics will benefit most from the proposal, and at the same time, Hispanics are the fastest-growing population and hence a block of voters, in the nation. Two of the largest electoral prizes, California and Florida, which combined represent nearly a third of the electoral votes needed to capture the White House, have witnessed dramatic rises in their respective Hispanic populations.

The problem of illegal immigration is not going to fade away. While many cry for the deportation of all illegal immigrants, such a feat would be a logistical nightmare. The Bush immigration reform plan will both encourage increased illegal immigration while at the same time discounting those who seek immigration through legal means. Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va, notes, "I'm not for allowing illegals to stay in this country. I think they should have to go back to their home countries ... and get in line with Jack, Suzy and John and apply for a guest worker position." What the US needs is sensible immigration reform that respects the millions already in line to enter the US, but at the same time acknowledges the economic rationale behind immigration.

(Joe Schilling's column appears Tuesdays in The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at

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