HOWARD Dean deserves your vote in the Democratic primary because his interest lies in you. He stands up for what's right even when it's not politically popular. His record as governor of Vermont shows a strong commitment to improving the lives of Americans through socially conscious, fiscally responsible government.
Dean strongly opposed the war in Iraq from the start, and has not wavered from that position. As president, Dean will expand the international peace-keeping force in Iraq and remove U.S. troops gradually as the country becomes more stable. He will also repair our relationships with our allies.
As governor of Vermont, Dean guaranteed health care coverage for almost every child under 18. As president, Dean will establish a fiscally sound and medically feasible national health care program to ensure that all Americans have access to the care they need.
Dean will reverse the horrendous Bush tax cuts and focus our nation's spending on programs that improve the quality of life for all Americans. When faced with the choice between tax cuts for the wealthy or social programs like national health insurance, Dean chooses social programs because he cares about the long-term well-being of ordinary, hard-working Americans.
Howard Dean is not the "lesser of two evils" candidate. People will vote for him not because of what he isn't but because of what he is. He has built an innovative grassroots campaign powered by ordinary Americans, many of whom are young people like us. This campaign has the power to take on George W. Bush in the fall and take our country back.
(Jill Raney is co-chair and treasurer for Hoos for Dean.)