JOHN EDWARDS is George W. Bush's worst nightmare. He's Southern. He's charismatic. And he's running for President. More than any other candidate in the Democratic field, Edwards can compete with President Bush everywhere in the country.
More importantly, John Edwards has a message that goes beyond just attacking President Bush. While some candidates seem to spend every waking moment railing against the president, Edwards couples his criticism with a positive agenda for change in America.
At its core, Edwards' campaign is about opportunity. It is built around the idea that the family you were born into and the color of your skin should never prevent you from achieving your goals. This message takes on deeper meaning when articulated by John Edwards.
In stark contrast to President Bush, Edwards grew up poor in the rural South. He was the first person in his family to go to college and then law school. John Edwards knows first-hand about opportunity.
Edwards' policy proposals are an extension of his message. His "College for Everyone" plan would provide a free year of college at a public university to any student willing to work 10 hours a week. His health care program would guarantee health insurance for every child in America. His tax plan would roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent while preserving the tax cuts for the middle-class.
When you go to the polls next Tuesday, vote for somebody who can beat President Bush everywhere in the country. Vote for somebody with a positive agenda for change. Vote for John Edwards.
(Jeff Meagher is president of the U.Va. Law Students for Edwards.)