The primaries of the past two weeks have brought to national attention what thousands of Kerry supporters have known for months: John Kerry is not only the best this candidate field has to offer, but the best this country has to offer.
His experienceserving America in Vietnam and in the United States Senate as well as his strength of character and pragmatic policy ideas makes Kerry the clear choice for Virginia voters next Tuesday.
John Kerry is good for this country and great for University students.His well-developed and practical plan deserves attention from any voting college student -- offering scholarships for four years of college education in exchange for two of public service and a college tax credit to cover the cost of tuition each year at a public university, among other initiatives. Most importantly, Kerry's "State Tax Relief and Education Fund" (paid for by repealing the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans) will ease the burden of the $90 billion debts incurred by the states under the Bush administration -- a burden felt deeply in funding cuts to institutions like the University of Virginia -- so that the students to whom these plans afford opportunities can benefit from, and continue to benefit from, the very best in public education.
John Kerry is more than just the literal frontrunner in this primary season. In terms of platform, in terms of experience and character and in terms of that inescapable buzzword, "electability," John Kerry is miles ahead of the pack.
(Katie Cristol is president of Cavs for Kerry.)