Road Trip Attire
Some complaints from girls' schools "down the road" have recently come to our attention. The young ladies and their superiors have taken an unappreciating view of certain fetishes in the modes of dress currently dominating the fashion world of some University students paying regular visits to Sweet Briar, Hollins, Longwood, etc. These are the students who make their visits in Bermuda shorts without shoes, Bermuda shorts with T-shirts, and in other "unseemly" attire. We do not feel that such students are upholding the best traditions of the University and hope that their dress in the future will be kept well within the limits of decorum when they go down the road. We do not, however, hold the position that Bermuda shorts and sport shirts should not be worn on road tips. There are times when such attire (worn neatly) is quite appropriate; but there are also many other times when a gentleman's coat and tie are proper. We would like to see students on road trips consider generally accepted traditions of appropriate dress so that the superiors of our friends in Lynchburg, Roanoke, Farmville, etc., will not feel forced to do the considering for visiting men.
D.D.H., Jr.