"I knew I was going to vote before I came here... It's frustrating that [some students] do not vote. We, as well-educated college students, should be expressing our opinions and taking a stand in this election. If educated students are not willing and motivated to get out and vote, who will be?"
-- First-year Engineering student Blair Hubbard
"Outwardly, I'm not a politically active person... I don't believe that you can have an opinion about who should run the country if you don't get out and take a stand. My parents played a big role in instilling these values into me and influencing my decision to vote."
-- First-year College student James Roane
"I believe that voting is the simplest yet most powerful way to get what we want out of our country. You can't complain if you didn't vote because you had the ability to choose and support the candidate that you want to win."-- First-year College student Eric Kasprowicz
"My parents probably influenced me the most to get out and vote, so I was already planning on voting before I came here. I'm also voting because P-Diddy said to. What does it say about you as a person if you don't vote? Who doesn't want to have a voice in politics?"-- First-year College student Drew Garrison
"There was a strong pull on grounds for voting, but I was already pre-registered to vote. I didn't want to bypass my chance to vote and have my say on who should run this country for the next four years. Young people should realize that it's important to vote, so that they can see how they can help to influence politics on a smaller scale."-- First-Year Engineering student Keshia Ashe
"If young people don't vote, then politicians won't pay attention to the issues that are relevant to college-age students... We need to show politicians that we are a demographic that has to be catered to."
-- First-Year College student Brendan Sepulveda
"I already voted by absentee ballot, but when I voted during the Democratic primary, I got them to give me lots of stickers, so I'll be wearing an 'I voted sticker' tomorrow. My mom said she's going to call me while she's standing in line at the polls to help me experience the real thing."
-- First-year Architecture student Blair Dargusch
"Some of my friends organized a bet to see who could correctly guess which candidate would get the most electoral votes. I didn't put any money in, but I'm sure they'll all be watching on TV."
-- First-year Architecture student Stephen Oklesson
-- Compiled by Amber Davis and Jessica Strock