Each week, The Cavalier Daily asks a student 25 questions and allows him or her to eliminate five of them. This week's interviewee is Alex Stolar, a third-year politics major from Wilton, CT.
Q: When was the last time you were home?
A: Home in Connecticut, the end of Spring Break. Home in Maupin at about 11:30 this morning.
Q: What's nagging you most right now?
A: I'm not being productive. I can't get anything done, and I need to figure out something to do this summer.
Q: Did you attend any of the Virginia Festival of the Book events this past week?
A: Um. No. But I heard about one of the poetry readings. I played video games.
Q: How many hours a week do you spend on WebMail?
A: I mean, like 15. I don't know. Countless hours. I use Eudora, too.
Q: Finish the sentence, "Oh my God, there's a monkey in my pants and... "
A: "I want to dance like the Boogey Man all over. All over."
Q: Who was your second grade crush?
A: Nadia something. She was Swedish and Japanese, I remember that. She lived across the street from me.
Q: Who makes you laugh the most?
A: My residents in Maupin.
Q: If you had a catch phrase, what would it be?
A: "Oh yeah."But also, like, "How you doin'?" I use that. I'm big on high fives, too.
Q: Who was your favorite cartoon character as a kid?
A: Roger Rabbit. It's appropriate. I'm a total goofball.
Q: What is your favorite non-denominational holiday?
A: The Fourth of July. My family and I go to the Wilton Freedom 5K at around 7 o'clock in the morning then watch fireworks at night.
Q: Favorite kind of apple?
A: Granny Smith. They're crunchy.
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how cool were Tamagachis when they first came out?
A: I mean, that has to be around negative 0.5.
Q: What's the best way to freak out a group of visiting students and their parents?
A: Okay, this is what you do. I've done this before. You go up to the group and yell "Go Hoos" and throw your arms in the air. Maybe do a little dance.
Q: As of March 22 of your senior year, did you have a prom date?
A: No, definitely not.
Q: How long does it take for you to get to class from where you live?
A: I'd say about ten minutes to Cabell.
Q: If you could do yesterday over again, what would you do differently?
A: Watch more basketball. I got to watch some but wanted to see more.
Q: Do you use Google or Yahoo?
A: Google.
Q: What extreme sport would you most want to be good at?
A: Skydiving on a snowboard.
Q: Have you ever broken a bone?
A: No.
Q: What was the proudest day of your life?
A: I got to watch my sister at the county track championships and I felt proud to support her and her accomplishments. It was like watching her come into her own.
The Verdict: Alex actually started dancing when he finished the sentence about the monkey. He actually screamed "Go Hoos" when he was talking about scaring tour groups. Goofball is one way of putting it ... I guess.
--Compiled by A-J Aronstein, Cavalier Daily Associate Editor