Each week, The Cavalier Daily asks a student 25 questions and allows him or her to eliminate five of them. This week's interviewee is Daniel Crane, a third-year Religious Studies major from just-over-Afton-Mountain Roanoke, Va.
Q: Have you already signed a lease for next year?
A: No, I live in Brown, and don't have to decide 'til November. It'd be nice to stay or to see what it's like to live off-Grounds.
Q: Favorite autumnal activity?
A: Walking through the woods, although I've driven over Afton Mountain on an absolutely perfect day once.
Q: If your best friend were an animal, what would he or she be?
A: A dolphin -- they're free and fun!
Q: Would you rather visit the North or South Pole?
A: Well, I haven't seen "March of the Penguins," so I'd say North Pole.
Q: If President Bush had to run for reelection right now, would he win?
A: No -- I think everyone's finally realized how bad a president he is. Can I say that in the paper?
Q: On a scale of 1-10, how good a cook are you?
A: About a 2.6, but I make a mean peanut butter and jelly.
Q: When did you realize you wanted to go to U.Va.?
A: Not 'til I really started thinking about where to apply in the second half of junior year.
Q: On a scale of 1-10, how badly do you want to be Mick Jagger?
A: I could stand to be Mick, but I'm not dying to be him. I think about a five.
Q: What are you most looking forward to this afternoon?
A: Dress rehearsal for "Art," the play I'm in this weekend.
Q: I give you a poster with the words "No, I'm not wearing underwear." What do you do?
A: I put it in my closet and wait for the right Brown event.
Q: Who would play you if your life were made into a made-for-television movie?
A: It would be a challenge and a privilege to play myself.
Q: Best thing to order at Arch's?
A: Well I don't have too much experience, but I think it's that brownie fudge slop.
Q: Most awkward moment in the last week?
A: I was the first one to give a standing ovation at the Shakespeare on the Lawn production of "Hamlet" and was standing by myself for 30 seconds. They deserved it though.
Q: Do you prefer the Baroque or the Rococo Period?
A: Baroque -- of course. I mean, who even needs to ask?
Q: What class would you most like to teach?
A: A short course on basic Biblical exegesis.
Q: What planet would you most like to visit?
A: Titan -- it's one of Saturn's moons. But only if that's allowed.
Q: Would you rather walk on coals or jump through rings of fire?
A: Rings of fire. I think I'd be less likely to get burned.
Q: Best part about meeting someone new?
A: New audience for my bad puns.
Q: If you have kids one day, what will they do for a living?
A: At least one will work in the education profession, one will have an artistic profession and there's the possibility that one will do something practical.
Q: Favorite Greek myth?
A: "Orpheus and Eurydice." I did a really cool presentation on it in Latin I in eighth grade.
The Verdict: Daniel may have some allies in the anti-Bush camp, but I think we're all just waiting for the "Anti-Underwear" Brown event.
-- Compiled by A-J Aronstein