They say that a rolling stone gath-ers no moss, but there's no denying that Mick Jagger has acquired a certain patina as he's rocked through the ages. Mick's hair has maintained its '70s-style flip, but his face has morphed into the gravity-induced sag of a near 70-year-old man. Mick and his Stones showed off their extensive body of work Thursday night, but the body beneath the satin button downs and leather low riders left a little to be desired.
It's no secret that Jagger's a senior. But in Scott Stadium just a few days ago, his sex appeal was no secret either. Mick's a sexy guy -- that's a fact -- and here's why: he's famous, he's confident, he's a rock star, he's confident, he knows who he is and he's confident. Sure, big time celebrity and a big time bank account help. But it's Mick's confidence that keeps 'em weak in the knees even when he's at an age where joints are a sore subject.
Unlike Mick, we Wahoos may have our youth, but we all have our insecurities as well -