Wedding day: A day considered by many to be one of the most important of their lives.
People envision this turning point in their lives as taking place in many different ways. For some, the ideal wedding might mean a traditional white gown in a church, while others see flip-flops and an ocean.
According to the MTV Web site, Christina Aguilera has dropped some details about her upcoming wedding. She told the press she's planning on a destination wedding of a few days with a "small" group of friends and family.
While this plan may seem reasonable only for the rich and famous, some University students have similar ideals.
Third-year College student Alicia Wlodinguer said she would like an exotic wedding similar to the trip described by Aguilera.
"I would like a small wedding on a beach in the Caribbean," Wlodinguer said. "I will fly everyone down there."
With such elaborate plans, Wlodinguer said she would only invite family and really close friends for "maybe a few days."
Wlodinguer said an advantage to the destination wedding is that she would not have to leave for a honeymoon directly after the wedding, since she would already be in an ideal vacation place. She said after the event, she could then "travel around."
On the other hand, some students would rather follow the time-honored wedding approach commonly associated with the event.
Second-year Engineering student Brooke Matney said she prefers such a traditional wedding style, describing her ideal wedding as "large and in a church."
Matney said she considers the large church wedding to be conventional for her family background.
"I'm Catholic and have a big family," Matney said to explain her preference.
While some students would like to follow family values and others have more adventurous visions, the wedding will likely be enjoyed and treasured no matter what the setting is.