Dating's not dead. It just got boring. This year, resolve to resuscitate your dating life -- and no, $2 pitchers doesn't count. While we'd never knock a classic dinner/movie combo, serious cases of amour-apathy require a more potent prescription: dates doctored up with creativity and a sense of humor. And no excuses either. Most of these dates don't require a significant other or significant funds.
Bad food, bad movie. Let's ease into this with something familiar. A twist on the old food-and-flick standby is something you might call "bad taste never tasted so good." Forget fine wine and the latest film getting Oscar buzz -- instead, make a night out of McDonald's and "The Mighty Ducks." The word "diet" is strictly forbidden on this date. Extra points for supersizing and quoting movie lines.
Two birds, one stone. So you've resolved to do the dating thing. And chances are that after a month of semester-break sloth and holiday feasting you've also resolved to hit the gym more often. Why not escape the AFC for a day on the slopes. Okay, so Wintergreen might not be known for its fresh powder, but it's close, relatively inexpensive and really fun. What's not to love about strapping two slippery planks on your feet and crossing your fingers. Bonus: One crash landing is all you'll need to break the ice. Extra points for breaking out the vintage '80s skiwear.
Greased lightning. Even if your ride is not a souped-up 1948 Ford, a driving date is a 50s-throwback option with serious potential. Gas prices be damned. Skyline Drive in the spring would be ideal, but for those with short attention spans or small bladders, a quick jaunt down Ivy Road toward Crozet will suffice. Caution: This is not a date for beginners or those who can't stand moments of silence. Extended car time means lots of one-on-one conversation, so be prepared to chat or have a damn-good mixed CD ready to lock and load. Extra mileage if it includes "Get out of my Dreams and into My Car." Flat tire if your steering wheel has one of those furry covers.
Iron Chef Charlottesville. You don't have to be a culinary prodigy to bring a little bit of kitchen stadium to your own apartment. Look up easy entrée and dessert recipes online. Each half of the date duo brings ingredients for one dish. Sharing counter space makes for good conversation, and if you're feeling especially competitive, enlist a third party (hey roommate) for a taste test. Loser does the dishes. Extra points if you wear a tall white hat or flip food in your skillet sans spatula. Get your mind out of the disposal if you couldn't let the "third party" suggestion slide without a ménage-à-trois crack.
Stay Classy. A trip to a local winery: tried-and-true and oh so sophisticated. Veritas and Barboursville are two local favorites. Taking a tour of the vineyard is informative but can be a bit "dry" (oh no we didn't). Everyone knows tasting is the best part. Buying a bottle of your favorite is usually surprisingly affordable as well. Cheers to you if you pull off vino-vocab like "full-bodied" or "supple" with a straight face.
You've got game. When you're out of ideas and money there's one thing that will never fail. Scrabble. If two people can't have fun playing a good game of Scrabble together, there just might not be any hope. Whether or not you choose to admit it, a person who can pull out a seven-letter, triple word score with a "Q" is pretty damn sexy. Plus or minus points for using romantically themed vocabulary, depending on how ridiculously cheesy you like to be. Always negative points for using slang or proper nouns. Have a Webster on hand in case things get messy.
This year, consider the fact that dating may not have to die, it just needs to evolve, or rather, our understanding of what a date is needs to evolve. The bottom line: A date is the act of planning to spend time with another person. Whether it's your best friend, roommate, mother or love interest, making dates makes for more rewarding relationships. Resolve to redefine your dating life in 2006.
Megan and Meghan's column runs bi-weekly on Tuesdays. They can be reached at and