On its debut excursion last week, the Couchcar received enthusiastic cheers mixed with confused stares from the University community.
With "Couch me if you can" spray-painted on its back, and a #1 racing number displayed on its side, the combination of a love seat-style couch and a big kid's tricycle makes the Couchcar an unusual sight.
"It was just a random idea that occurred to me one night," fourth-year College student Dave Lee said.
Lee said the tricycle was found in the dumpster and the love seat was household furniture.
After stripping the plastic seat off the tricycle, Lee constructed a frame out of scrap wood to attach the love seat. While the Couchcar has no brakes, the seating frame rubs against the tires when the driver leans back, slowing it down.
"I might have been one of the most excited people about taking the Couchcar on its maiden voyage," fourth-year College student Kenton Kivestu said. "I'd like to see myself as the first mate."
The Couchcar traveled through Grounds, down Rugby Road and Lambeth Lane, thrilling the witnesses as it passed them by.
"People are usually pretty excited" to see the Couchcar, Lee said, adding that many waved and honked as it went by.
However, when bystanders asked for rides, Lee said he turned them down for liability reasons -- there were no helmets.
Many onlookers were confused by the unusual vehicle.
"Everyone you pass must be thinking to themselves, 'Did I take LSD this morning or is that really two idiots driving down the middle of the road in a couch?'" Kivestu said.
Some passengers said the love seat aspect of the Couchcar presents an extra force of attraction for certain individuals.
"Chicks definitely dug the Couchcar -- I think it got asked to four spring semi-formals," third-year College student Trevor Seret said.
A Couchcar accident in its first days resulted in a broken tire. Lee plans to fix this problem, possibly replacing it with a wheelbarrow wheel.
Lee and his friends said they hope to make improvements to the Couchcar. He said because the creation does not have the actual love seat cushions in place, the Couchcar comfort level could be improved. Additionally, adjustments to the vehicle could increase its speed and maneuvering capabilities.
"There's definitely bigger and better plans for Couchcar Jr.," Seret said.
The entire Couchcar experience has been a positive one for the conspirators.
Kivestu called the Couchcar a "highlight" of his time at the University.
"I think people should find a little more time to do something stupid and mindless and fun every one in a while," Kivestu said.