I caught March Madness. Badly.
Not the basketball one. I mean sure, I watched a ton of games, but that's just being a good sports fan. No, dear readers, what happened to me was far worse. I caught WarCraft Fever.
It all began when my friend went on Spring Break and left his door unlocked. I was in my frat, all alone for nine days. I was working on my thesis, trying to bang out papers due for the rest of the semester, getting ahead on reading, applying for jobs. I was the epitome of productivity. Occasionally, I would take a break and play some WarCraft.
Things spiraled out of control quickly. By Thursday of break, I would stay up until three or four in the morning. I even stumbled home from the Virginian one night and, like a crack addict needing a hit, went upstairs and logged on to battle.net --barely able to type my own name. I had to build farms and upgrade weapons. I needed to summon Misha, my bear warrior. I was hooked.
Luckily, break ended and I had actually gotten a fair amount of work done. But the beast would not be tamed. I found myself sneaking into my friend's room when he wasn't there, talking strategy or watching him play when he was, analyzing which combinations of units worked best. Was I a "rifles guy" or a "knights guy"? Did I like to rush or cc? Would my thirst for l33t speak ever be quenched?
I hit rock bottom today. I was logged on to squeeze in a game before my 3:30 when I noticed a tournament at 5:30 for Human v. Human, one on one. My favorite format! My chance to break out into the WarCraft world! I had risen to a Level 14 in just a month. Surely I could hold my own.
I rushed home to log in at 5:30. Two hours later, I had wasted a beautiful afternoon and was 2-4. I was disheartened. How much longer would I have to play to become a true master of Azeroth East and not a lowly n