I was outraged when reading Josh Levy's column, ("Over-AccessUVA," Sept. 17).I would like to start out by stating that I am a recipient of a large amount of financial aid afforded by AccessUVA.That being said, it is obvious to see why I was offended and appalled by Levy's column.
Levy argues, "People who truly want a college education have a ready and willing financial system to provide for them."If this is true, I'd love to know more about that 'system'!In reality, attending the University for four years roughly costs over $150,000. Levy argues that individuals truly wanting to go to college would simply seek out a student loan to cover these costs.PerhapsLevy has never applied for a loan before, but let me inform readers that from first hand knowledge, banks tend not to write 18-year-old high school graduates checks for such large sums.The size of the loan one may qualify for depends on a number of factors including one's parents' credit histories, outstanding debt, existing loans, and available collateral.Should one not file under their parents, the chances of a high school graduate qualifying for a loan large enough to cover one semester here is slim to none.
Levy believes, "Since committed students can attend college without aid, by borrowing, then the biggest beneficiaries are the less motivated students.Financial aid encourages people who have no business being in college to attend."Ouch!Please do not tell me that my straight 'A' average, 150+ hours of community service, and SAT scores do not validate my out-of-state admission to this university.Any student who works hard enough to be a competitive applicant to the University is motivated. The AccessUVA program is not an enabler of lazy students to become college bound, it gives opportunities to deserving, hard-working students who otherwise would not be able to afford the University.We are not distractions to the fortunate students whose parents foot the tuition bill.I earned my position here just like everyone else; do not dare challenge my legitimacy as a University student based upon my financial status.
Kate Vasiloff