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Arts and drafts

It is interesting how the athletes making the most noise this season are the ones not even playing a sport. Chris Long and Branden Albert, our two NFL prospects, are both staring a top-10 overall pick dead in the face. Among ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and all the other sports media covering the draft, these two -- especially Long -- have received tremendous amounts of coverage.Considering that, April 26 could be, and likely will be, a huge day for Virginia sports. Chances are we will be the only school that sends two players to the NFL that high up in the draft. That should be enough to perk the ears of fans, coaches and potential prospects throughout the country.

Let's see which teams will likely call Long and Albert's name on draft day.

Chris Long: St. Louis Rams (2nd overall) As great as it would be to have Long's name called by the Dolphins with the first overall pick, it doesn't seem like that's the way thing are going to work out. Last week, Long answered questions from ESPN reporters about his draft status. Based on what he was saying, it seems as though he hasn't been in contact with any one particular team. Further, it seems as though Miami has its sights set on Michigan offensive lineman Jake Long, having already begun initial contract negotiations with him, and not Virginia's Long.

So where does that put Chris? It's tough to say, considering that the three teams picking after the Dolphins -- the Rams, Falcons and Raiders -- seem to be wavering between choosing a skill player such as Darren McFadden or Matt Ryan? or a lineman such as Long or Glenn Dorsey. There's a good chance he could end up with any of those organizations, but I'd say there are two reasons why the Rams will probably nab him with the second pick. First, they are in the market for a defensive end -- someone like Long, Dorsey, or Ohio State's Vernon Gholston. Though I think it's possible they could take any one of the three, my money is on Long, considering that he has the biggest upside, combined with his nonstop "motor" that scouts can't seem to get enough of. Second, I think it's going to be hard for the Rams to pass up a player who many expected would be the first overall pick. With Long still available after the Dolphins select, it's going to be hard for Rams General Manager Jay Zygmunt to look elsewhere.

Branden Albert: Carolina Panthers (13th overall). This is one that is really tough to pin down. Some scouts have him going fifth overall to the Jets, others see him going as low as 23rd to the Steelers. I'm going to strike a happy medium and say he goes 13th overall to Carolina. The Panthers are in need of protection up front, and Albert looks like a good fit. Unfortunately, it seems like he'll be moved from his natural position, guard, to tackle. This shouldn't be a shock to Albert, as he has experience playing both.

The surprising thing about Albert, though, is the amount his draft stock has shot up since the beginning of the year. While before, many experts saw him as a late first-round pick, many now expect him to be taken earlier, possibly in the top 10. Though it is clear that Jake Long is the top offensive lineman in the draft, Albert doesn't trail too far behind.

There is a lot of shuffling left to do between now and draft day. Long may move up, Albert may move down. It's hard to say. And though the best thing we can do is make educated guesses, one thing is for certain: Friday is going to be a good day for Virginia football fans. It'll be nice to see two great players who have worked their tails off under coach Groh get rewarded with a chance to play at the next level.

And though we'll enjoy seeing Long and Albert accept the opportunity to put on a new team's uniform, that is what's going to hurt the most. It's the harsh reality of realizing that two of your most skilled players are moving on and that someone will be asked to replace their productivity.

We do not yet know who that will be. And that is exactly why it will be great to follow Cavalier football during the next couple of years.

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