I’m onboard with the idea of limiting sign size to avoid obstructing a fan’s view of the game, but the fact that the University has outlawed signs to ensure that there are none that are not “in good taste” (Craig Littlepage’s words) is outrageous.
I personally believe that the “bullshit!” chant so often heard at basketball games is not “in good taste,” but I’m wondering if the athletic department is going to call in the entire Charlottesville Police Department to throw out everyone who participates in that chant? And is it “good sportsmanship” or “in good taste” to wave thundersticks during free throws? Or has the University decided that thundersticks (even those provided by the University) are a type of sign and therefore are banned?
It appears the University is on a very slippery slope here. Has anyone looked at the fans from other schools? I firmly believe that fat men in red, be they from Maryland or NC State, are definitely not “in good taste!” And I certainly object to fans wearing shirts that mock the University. Since we can’t pick and choose which clothing “is in good taste” or not, I believe we have no choice but to ban clothing. But naked fat men are even more so not “in good taste” so clearly we have no choice but to ban fans.
Michael Shewchuk
CLAS ‘78